Friday, October 30, 2009

Party at Kodak, Hollywood -- Project:Involve

Film Independent put on a wonderful kick-off party for me and the other Project:Involve fellows at Kodak's Hollywood Headquarters. Hollywood Reporter and Variety, the top entertainment-trade publications, wrote about our party!

I spoke with the Kodak's rep, Gale, who is amiable and encouraging. I also got to know the other fellows better. Edward, who won the DGA best student film award, is making a doc about religions in Los Angeles. The discussion with him and Jordan reminded me of the African-American religion class I took with Professor Glaude who is now at Princeton.

I met Linda, a LA native, who makes fictional films about local Latinos. I thought about the time I worked for the Kerry campaign, organizing the Latino vote in Orlando. I also thought about how I like to know more about the local Mexican-American culture.

I also spoke to Sabina for the first time and found out that her dad did garment-related business in Hong Kong like my mother. And yeah, Maya is attending American Film Market. Celia wants to make a movie in Hawaii. Kaz and Ms. Ai are also LA natives, and I enjoyed Kathy's teasing. Adam told me his thoughts on the changing indie movie landscape. 

Karina and Alisa want to go skiing during Sundance. Also got to know Lisa, Ana, and Catalina~a trio of DP's~better. I hope to speak to everyone in the near future.

FIND administrators--Francisco, Josh, and Evan--and P:I alum, Trina Calderón, encouraged us to take maximum advantage of this fellowship in their positive speeches. They are so humble and welcoming.

I feel blessed about this fellowship!

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