The short debuted at the Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival on Tuesday, May 3rd to a packed audience inside the CGV theater in Korea Town. The cast, crew, and the supporters really enjoyed the whole experience from the photo call to the hanging out afterwards.
ETTV, a global Chinese news outlet interviewed me and Cody, the boy actor, on the red carpet. We discussed the film in the context of the homelessness problem and the economic recession. I also spoke about the wonderful collaboration with Collin, who was filming in China and couldn't attend.
Abe, the co-director of the Festival & a true friend of filmmakers, conducted the post-screening Q&A. He asked some very thoughtful questions, and I thought, "Man, I better step up to the plate."
Many people stayed afterwards to chat. Here I'm with my collaborators, some of them couldn't make it for the photo call. Honestly, it was a hectic evening for me. Wave after wave of people approached me to talk. At the same time, seeing the big smile on everyone's faces made this a night impossible to forget.
Ignatius Lin
p.s. Shout out to Loïc for becoming #100 fan on my Facebook page. The page is full of breaking news, insightful analysis, updates about my adventure in filmmaking.